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  • #22873
    my add


    I’m also having trouble with the carousel. I can use the featured post fine. I’ve set up the labels too.

    But the carousel isn’t working for me, not showing up at all. Just showing like plain text in the widget. Please help.

    . Featured post and rest are working fine

    my add

    What is your url? Is your feed on Full feed?
    On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
    Click Other.
    In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
    Then Click Save settings.
    Access your blog Layout > click Edit link(carousel). add your desired label in the html/javascript area.
    like this.

    my add

    Hi LindyLou

    My blog address is: http://journeyrate.blogspot.in/

    I have just started this blog and have onnly uploaded some dummy content to experiment with the layout. Yes, I did the blog feed section and then I am trying to do that carousel only. It’s still not working though.

    my add

    Hey. I was finally able to do it myself. It was a really silly mistake.

    But how to I make a specific post as the featured post? OR is it selecting the post automatically? I wanted the first article to be the featured post and it’s taking the 3rd one as the featured one.

    Thank you a lot for your time. :)

    my add

    and it’s also showing the blockquoted text… [travel][carousel][2] – right on the sidebar… is there a way to hide this please?

    my add

    I tried to visit your blog and it says it is removed.

    my add

    Your sidebar should show your labels or categories. It shouldn’t be shown with the block quotes.
    Are you using a consistent label in the posts you want featured?

    my add

    Hi Lindy
    I have changed the url tothis – https://thetravelcoupons.blogspot.in/
    Well.. I have fixed that up as well. now a problem is I can’t seem to have the mega menu working. I have done setting it up as per the documentation. For examples travelogues is the label keyword that I’m using. I have used that on the posts labels too.
    But the mega menu isn’t showing either. neither are sub menus.

    I’m doing it as per the documentation only.

    my add
    my add

    For the mega menu, Where it says Name, use the label featured
    Where it says URL, type mega.
    Now, go to any of your posts you want featured, use the label featured,

    When using labels, always use a comma, but not in the Navigation Menu.

    Sub-menus are dropdowns under a specific label.
    About Me – where it says Name type About Me
    URL- link to the page About Me.

    Sub-menu under About Me.
    Name- _Contact
    URL- url link to contact you. Either a Contact me page or a direct link like this: mailto:your email address

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