Free Blogger Cafe
Free Blogger Cafe Blogger Template

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How to Install a Blogger Template?
Blogger, Seo Ready, Blue, Page Navigation Menu, Simple, Magazine, Post Thumbnails, White, Gray, Clean, Drop down Menu, 1 Right Sidebar, 2 Columns, 1 Sidebar, Right Sidebar.
Author Description:
Featured Posts: We have also connected a featured post gadget which would fetch your posts from a specific label, and will display them on your homepage. However, the latest posts would continue to display beneath them.
Mega Sticky Navigation Bar: FreeBloggerCafe Blogger Template also has a built-in sticky navbar that floats when you scroll up or down the page. It has a lot of options Like Search pop-out and Social media lazy buttons.
Social Sharing buttons: FreeBloggerCafe Blogger Template is also equipped with social sharing buttons including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Stumbleupon so that your users can socialize your content with just few clicks.
SEO-Friendly: FreeBloggerCafe Blogger Template is absolutely brilliant for search engines. This theme has the highest search engine optimization score. The speed of this template is 90 out of 100 according to Google Speed insights
Related Posts: FreeBloggerCafe Blogger Template also has a related post gadget which appears just beneath your posts. It displays related posts in systematic order along with their featured thumbnails.
More Features of FreeBloggerCafe Blogger Template: Magazine Style, orange color scheme, threaded commenting system, 2 column template, 2 column sidebar and much more.