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  • #17795

    I have downloaded the woody responsive blogger theme and it is great except the slider is not activating. I checked in the documentation folder and all there is is this link file:///C:/Users/Estee%20Kras/Downloads/Woody-Free-Version/Woody%20Free%20Version/Documentation/index.html#logo which helps with some things but mentions nothing about the slider.
    Please help, thanks.
    My blog is http://esteekras.blogspot.com/


    In addition, the thumbnail pictures in the popular posts by the sidebar do not show up. help! I do not know html


    Ok so now I found the html code for the slider and realized that the words feed and data:source are red, which means I should fill them in with something? What?
    Code below.

    document.write("<script src=\"/feeds/posts/default/-/<data:content/>?max-results="+numposts1+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentposts1\"><\/script>");

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