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  • #18656
    my add

    I have problem removing “about post author” content from my post. I tried to do that from Layout, but it did not work. Please help! you’re reply in the fastest connivence is highly appreciated.
    Here is my blog.


    Hi juzsmilee, sorry for delayed replay.
    Go to blogger dashboard >> Template Edit HTML and find the below coding and remove it. Don’t forget to “save” finally.

    <div class='gdlr-post-author'>
    			<h3 class='post-author-title'>About Post Author</h3>
    			<div class='clear'/>
    			<div class='post-author-avartar'><img alt='' class='avatar avatar-125 photo' expr:src='data:post.authorPhoto.url' style='width:125px;'/></div>
    								<div class='post-author-content'>
    								<h4 class='post-author'><a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' rel='author'><></a></h4>
    								Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.								</div>
    								<div class='clear'/>
    my add

    Hi there,
    Thank you so much for your reply; however, I am unable to find this code no matter how hard I looked.


    1, Go to blogger dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML and now you can see HTML editor.
    2, Click anywhere in HTML editor.
    3, Now click keyboard shortcut ctrl + F to open search box.
    4, Place the coding in search box and hit Enter. (For example: <div class='gdlr-post-author'>)

    This way to find coding in blogger HTML editor.

    my add

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please check my blog when you have time. Your feedback is highly appreciated !

    my add

    Sorry to bother you
    I have one more question, which is how do I add a comment box below my post? I tried to add it through Layout but the comment box is still not there. Please help!

    Thank you so much,


    Make sure the comment box not hidden by settings.
    Go to blogger dashboard >> settings >> posts and comments >> comments >> Comment Location >> and now make sure the settings for commenting is not HIDE. If its HIDE then change to Embedded or others except HIDE.

    my add


    Thank you for your respond. I have tried that, but still there is no comment post in my post. Do you know any other way to fix this issue?

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