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  • #22010
    my add

    Hi to all, this is my blog –> http://wanderlustabout.blogspot.com/
    I applied Emma Blogger Template.
    Look at the sidebar and the Facebook Social Widget.
    I think there is a problem with CSS of Widget Conteiner.
    How can i solve it ??

    Thanks for the help.

    my add

    There is a problem with the Facebook widget. I tried it myself and it looks terrible. I would try to contact the designer.

    my add

    Thank you LindyLou. There is the same problelm with Ad-Sense banner. I will try.

    my add

    I send a message. They answer me that they don’t give support with free version -.- Are they stupid?

    my add

    Yes, they find it waste their time, if you do not purchase the template. Just find another template.

    my add

    Yes, I will do. Thank you for the support :)

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