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  • #9026

    How to disable message on other pages example in my case:
    at home (home page)
    about (translated “sobre”)
    how to play? (Translated “como jogar?”)
    Forum (translated “Fórum”)
    Vip (translated is the same writing)
    {Blog (the page where the post should be on the site)}
    contacts (translated into Portuguese (my language) “contatos”)
    the template I’m using is:
    Brand Responsive UX Mag Blogger Template


    my Website

    I hope you do not get confused I’m from Brazil and the difficulty of different languages ​​can interfere in such projects. thank you


    I Cant Access your blog because.. “This blog is open to invited readers only”. OK no problem. I think you want replace menu items in your language. Correct?

    Please follow the step.

    For Chage Home to Home Page

    Go to Dashboard->> Template- >> Edit Html.

    <li class='active'><a data-original-title='Home' data-placement='right' data-toggle='tooltip' href='/' title=''><i class='li_shop'/><span>Home</span></a></li>
    find the above lines and replace the words Home with your words. for example..
    <li class='active'><a data-original-title='Home Page' data-placement='right' data-toggle='tooltip' href='/' title=''><i class='li_shop'/><span>Home Page</span></a></li>
    That’s it..

    For Chage About to sobre

    Find the below lines in your HTML editor..
    <li class=''><a data-original-title='About' data-placement='right' data-toggle='tooltip' href='#about' title=''><i class='li_user'/><span>About</span></a></li>

    Replace the words About with your word sobre and replace #about word with your Link (URL) for example..

    <li class=''><a data-original-title='sobre' data-placement='right' data-toggle='tooltip' href='https://gooyaabitemplates.com/' title=''><i class='li_user'/><span>sobre</span></a></li>

    Do the above steps to all of the words for customizing.

    And now I give you some more cuztomization tips for Brand Mag UX Template.

    How to Customize Feature Top Label?

    Go to Dashboard >> Layout >> Feature Top (Full Width) >> Edit, and paste the following code in the HTML Text box. Note: Replace “Featured” with your Label. Remember: The spelling should be accurate otherwise it would not work, even take care of upper and lower class letters.

    <h2 class="feature-heading">Trending Articles From <b>Brand. Mag. Ux.<b></b></b></h2>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var numposts = 10;
    var showpostthumbnails = true;
    var displaymore = false;
    var displayseparator = false;
    var showcommentnum = false;
    var showpostdate = false;
    var showpostsummary = false;
    var numchars = 280;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Featured?orderby=updated&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>

    if you want more help please replay. Thank you.


    I just want to remove the posts in the other pages and put exclusively on the blog do not appear to type in other areas such as home


    Please grand me access your blog. You can individually send invitation to admin email.


    how to send


    You blocking users like Uninvited users (include search engines) to view your site. so that peoples cant access your blog. They getting message when try to visit your site “This blog is open to invited readers only”. If you want offer to all users to visit your blog, visite here.. http://www.superwebtricks.com/blogger-beginner-guide/private-blog-for-invited-readers/


    I want to put the posts on the blog tab and disable the posting of the site pages (posts must be unique for blog tab).


    I can’t understand your query. Please give me any sample blog or site that have your dreamed designing.



    the posting will stay on the blog
    (desactiver for other pages)


    We can’t found our credit link in your blog. This is can’t help found correct coding in template. so download and install the template again.

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